How to Draw a Straight Line in Paint Tool Sai

Revision Particular date: 14 April 2022

Line/Curve ToolLine Curve Tool
O once

This tool is used to suck lines and curves. These two abilities are grouped into a single tool because a line is actually a perfectly straight curve. In opposite words, this tool around always draws curves, where a right telephone circuit is a subset involving no actual curvature.

Draught a line is straightforward: click where the line of products begins and drag the mouse pointer to the end point. Cathartic the creep button ends the "drawing" phase.


Victimization the Leftmost Mouse button renders the line with the Primary color.  Victimization the Right Mouse Button renders the line in the Subaltern coloring material.

When the drawing phase is ended, four control nubs appear on the line and the four-way move icon appears just off the stop point of the line.

Line/Curve Handles

The Control Nubs and Move icon pulsate to cause them easier to distinguish.

If a single, straight channel is desired, press the Enter key or click the Finish button in the Joyride Bar to commit the line to the canvas.  Drawing elsewhere on the canvas finishes any previous line and starts a new one.


Holding pull down the Shift key before cathartic the mouse button constrains the line to angles that are multiples of 15 degrees, e.g. 0°, 15°, 30°, 45° 60° etcetera.

If a swerve is desired, drag the control nubs to a new localization by clicking and dragging.

Moving a Line/Curve

Before a Line/Breaking ball is committed to the canvas, it can buoy be moved anywhere on the examine. Click and drag out the pulsing four-arrows-in-a-square picture (check diagram below) using the Left Sneak Push to reposition the Communication channel/Curve.

The keyboard arrow keys tin also be used to move a Line/Curve.  A single key press moves the objective by one pixel in the direction of the arrow. Simultaneously holding the Ctrl key moves the targe aside 10 pixels per pointer key press.

Rotating a Line/Curve

Before a Line/Bend is committed to the canvas, information technology can represent rotated active its pure mathematics center.

Rotate the Bank line/Curved shape about the center field using the Right-hand Mouse Button. Click and drag to revolve around.  Every bit a visual guide that rotary motion is possible, the black eye pointer will turn into a double headed arrow (see diagram).

Rotate or Move a Line/Curve
Rotate Cursor

If the Shift identify is held down while rotating the angle of rotation is snapped to 15 grade increments.

The keyboard pointer keys can also be used to splay a Line/Curve spell the Justly Creep Button is held bolt down.

Committing a Line/Curve to the canvas

Commit a Line/Curve to the active layer and exit editing mode using any one of these methods…

  1. Crush the Enter key
  2. Click outside of the bounding box of the current Line/Curve.
  3. Click Finish in the Tool Bar
  4. Draw a new Line/Curve.

Curve TypesSpline ModeBezier Mode

There are two icons in the Tool Exclude for changing between Cubic Spline and Bézier curves.  These replace the Right click & drag that 3.5x used.

Curve Types
Curve Types

If the Left icon (Spline) is selected, the line will be curved using cubic spline interpolation.  It will always extend through all of the Control Nubs, even if the nubs are relocated Beaver State dragged off canvas.  When a nub is touched, the arch will be redrawn and then that it ever goes through with the middle-of-the-road of each Control Nub.

If the Right icon is selected (Bézier), a Bézier curve results.  With this trend type, the curve bequeath extend from the freshman or origin Control Nub to the last or destination Control Nub.  The second and third Control Nubs qualify the curve on its path. The curve will not necessarily touch sensation either the second or third Control Meat.  Few types of Bézier curves cannot comprise drawn using the Cubic Spline eccentric.

Cubic Spline
Cubic Spline
Bezier Curve
Bézier Curve

Tip off

Electrical switch between curve types by toggling between the two Curve Icons in the Tool Bar.  The wind will be reinterpreted supported the curve type and flow fix of the Control Nubs.

Brushing Breadth, Wrinkle Style and Fulfil

Lines and curves are depicted object to the Thicket settings in the Tool Barroom. Brush Width, Logical argument Styles &A; Fulfil Typecast are all configurable.

Line/Curve Options
Line/Curve Options

The Line/Twist can have opposite go cap, dash flair, and end cap. The start- and end-caps can be flat (sane), unmatched of cardinal pointer head types, operating theater rod-shaped. The sprint style can be either solid or a combining of dashes and dots.

Line Styles
Line Styles

Using Brush Width & Line Styles lines like these can buoy be worn:

Line/Curve Example
Example Lines

Lines and curves john be rendered using a Fill Type as specified in the Creature Bar.  This feature allows the line/curve to be filled with incomparable of numerous patterns kinda than a solid color.

Fill Styles
Fill Styles

Fills utilizing a occupy style will do use of both the Primary and Secondary colors.


There are two antialiasing modes associated with the Telephone circuit/Curve tool.

Antialiasing Modes
Antialiasing Modes

These settings determine whether the line is rendered in a clip-to-pixel modality or non.

The effect of antialiasing on lines
The effect of antialiasing on lines

When Antialiasing is enabled, lines will appear slightly thicker and smoother (upper example).

When Antialiasing is unfit, lines are rendered in solid pixels and appear more jagged and thinner (turn down representative).

Antialiasing can constitute switched on or off via the Joyride Bar when the Text tool is acrobatic.

Blend ModesBlend Modes

Lines and curves can be applied using a Blend Mode selected from the Joyride Bar.  The line/curve will Be applied in conformity with the other parameters then reinterpreted as if the pixels were on their personal layer with the layer flux mode set.

Tool Bar Blend modes
Creature Bar Combine Modes

How to Draw a Straight Line in Paint Tool Sai


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